Essential Warm-Up Exercises & Cool-Down Stretches For All Types of Fitness July 07, 2019Christina Russell Rushing into a workout may seem like a good time-saver, but by skipping a warm-up you could be putting your body at serious risk for injury.
How To Get A Bikini Booty June 24, 2019Stefanie Antorcha It’s heating up outside and summer is officially upon us! That’s right; sunshine, ice cold BeautyRecover Ice lemonade, and oh yeah, bikini’s!
Barre Moves Your Butt Will Thank You For June 03, 2019Melanie McCloy These exercises are a staple of any barre classes you attend. Whatever exercise you’re doing, make sure you feel your butt muscles working throughout every move...
Booty Building Circuit May 16, 2019Nicole Cress I hope you enjoy this booty building tri-set and video demonstration! Don't be afraid to challenge yourself and add some weight especially on the hip thrusts...
Fierce & Fast: Quick workouts to include in your plan! May 07, 2019Lindsay Kent By targeting certain muscle groups in a circuit style fashion, you elevate your heart rate, burn tons of calories and continue to build strong, lean muscles...
Proper Recovery: It Can Make or Break Your Results April 25, 2019Matt Weik Many are under the impression that the work done inside the gym is the most important part when it comes to seeing results. While indeed it plays...
Women & Chest Training April 22, 2019Stefanie Antorcha I want to discuss a topic a lot of women are confused about... Training their chest. Women shouldn’t train chest; women don’t need to train chest...
Do you really need to train abs? March 23, 2019Stefanie Antorcha Abs are made in the kitchen, right? That’s what I keep hearing. So, if that’s true… why are so many of us over here doing crunch, after crunch, after crunch?
How to Start a Home Yoga Practice March 02, 2019Melanie McCloy Yoga, from an outsider’s perspective, is intimidating. Magazines, social media and other yogis (including myself) portray a persona of flexible...
Back to Basics February 27, 2019Lindsay Kent Having a strong back will not only help to keep you injury free but will provide your body with a powerful center to support corecentric and posterior chain...
Your Winter Guide For Turning Up The Heat! February 21, 2019Lindsay Kent Having a plan and process really is the key to achieving the results you desire for your body, helping you to avoid spending exhausting, countless hours at the gym...
Valentine’s Day Treat: Heart Pounding Workout You Can Do Anywhere! February 12, 2019Lindsay Kent February is Heart Health Month, which focuses on the leading cause of death in America for both men and women, which is heart disease...