Recovery is Vital to Success in Life and the Gym February 04, 2020Matt Weik You want to be able to perform at the highest level possible – and why wouldn’t you? Recovery is 100% vital to every single thing you do on a daily...
Is Cardio King For Fat Loss Or Is Weight Training The Way? January 23, 2020Michelle Johnson The one thing we can all agree on is there is a lot of controversy about CARDIO vs. WEIGHTS and what is best to do for fat loss...
Get Your (Green) Juices Flowing January 20, 2020Lindsay Kent Over 80% of Americans suffer from fatigue, and over 90% are experiencing toxicity due to heavy metals, toxins, and chemicals in our environment...
Sock It To Me Circuit January 17, 2020Melanie McCloy If you are short on time, this workout is for you! No equipment is necessary! I’m sure you can find a pair of socks!
New Perspective January 06, 2020Nicole Cress As we go into a New Year, it always comes with excitement for a fresh start. I love to take this time to reflect. I know so many of us...
People Pleasing Pecan Pie Bites January 02, 2020Gennifer Strobo Each little mouth pleasing bite comes in under 50 calories. Now that’s a dessert I can enjoy without feeling bad the next day...
Commitment Catastrophe December 25, 2019Lindsay Kent With the year slowly winding down, I am sure you are busy making new, awesome goals and plans for the full, new year ahead...
Staying On Track Through The New Year December 19, 2019Nicole Cress As a health coach, I hear so often that December through the New Year is one of the hardest times to stay focused when it comes to health goals...
Spicy Roasted Chickpeas December 16, 2019Gennifer Strobo Instead of munching on chips and creamy dips enjoy these this healthy munchie. Chickpeas are full of fiber and have protein in them as well to satisfy hunger...
How To Be Successful With Your Goals This New Years December 13, 2019Michelle Johnson Right now many of us are thinking about our new year’s resolutions? We mentally try to set the tone, but are not willing to follow through on any level until...
Unilateral Training: Work Smarter, Not Harder December 08, 2019Lindsay Kent In your training toolbox, it’s important to have an array of methods to progressively challenge the body to change and grow. Unilateral training
Top 20 Healthy Snacks for a Healthy You! December 04, 2019Christina Russell The New Year is upon us and it makes for the perfect time to start fresh with some healthy lifestyle choices. If you're looking to lose weight, get in shape