How to Age Gracefully & Graciously November 18, 2019Michelle Johnson They say 50 is the new 40. But, truthfully, I feel like it's the new 30. You never really change that much. You are always the same person on the...
Getting Out Of A slump October 23, 2019Stefanie Antorcha Trapped in a self-sabotaging, unhappy state of mind. Have you been there? I know I have. I have those days where I look at myself and think...
A Set Back Can Be A Set Up For A Great Comeback August 17, 2019Michelle Johnson If you are going to attract exactly what you want in life, it is important you learn how to sharpen your focus and follow through. A comeback is necessary...
5 Yoga Hip Opening Poses For Tight Hips August 06, 2019Melanie McCloy Yoga is one the most popular ways for individuals to gain flexibility in their hips, due to the variety of hip-opening poses...
Self Care - You Deserve It! July 18, 2019Nicole Cress I spend my days working with women so I know that our daily lives are busy and the last thought on our minds is taking time out for ourselves.
Beyond The Physical: Your Body Language and How It Relates To Fitness April 19, 2019Michelle Johnson Working out is not just about being physical attractive. It trickles into other aspects in your life. One that you may not of considered is your BODY LANGUAGE...
Don’t Let Life Kick Your Behind April 10, 2019Stefanie Antorcha Somedays we just feel the weight of the world bearing down on us; that over whelming feeling of too much to do... I want you to know that is ok!
Gratitude Muscles April 08, 2019Nicole Cress I know it can sound cliché when someone says ‘be grateful’ but it can honestly be a super tool in your life. Just like anything else that you want to...
Beautifully Balanced March 26, 2019Lindsay Kent So the idea of balance – all things in life receiving equal time, equal emotion and equal enjoyment seems like some trendy idea that we all love to say exists...
How to Start a Home Yoga Practice March 02, 2019Melanie McCloy Yoga, from an outsider’s perspective, is intimidating. Magazines, social media and other yogis (including myself) portray a persona of flexible...
Shift Your Mind To Shift Your Body February 15, 2019Michelle Johnson 10 Mindsets & Solutions for Weight Loss: Everywhere you go there is someone talking about weight loss or wanting to lose weight. We can read about how to do it...
Failing Doesn’t Mean Failure January 11, 2019Stefanie Antorcha Time for those new year’s resolutions. What will you resolve to do this year? Lose 10 lbs, drink more water, exercise more, eat better, be more organized...