Beating The Winter Blues January 08, 2019Amanda Madrigal Now that the high energy from the holidays has subsided, family and friends are back to their routines, and the weather is still less than mediocre (for some)...
Are Your Goals Realistic? December 25, 2018Michelle Johnson Whenever you set a goal, ask yourself first and foremost - what is my strategy? Then consider these questions: Do you believe you can achieve this?
How to survive the Holidays without aging! December 20, 2018Stefanie Antorcha The Holiday season can be a stressful time; Family, food, shopping, planning, everything can be overwhelming and take a serious tool on your skin.
Holiday Survival Guide December 14, 2018Michelle Johnson The holidays are an easy time and excuse to get distracted from your dietary goals. It’s important that you come up with sound strategies that do not make it torture...
Better Sleep For Better Health December 11, 2018Nicole Cress Do you get quality sleep at night? Do you wake up well rested? Most people don't realize why this is so important. Typically adults need a good 7-9 hour...
Winter Survival Guide December 08, 2018Stefanie Antorcha And just like that we are here… winter. The temperature is dropping and the holidays are coming!!! You can’t stop it, and who wants to?!
Give The Gift Of Health December 05, 2018Amanda Madrigal Have you ever been in a rut of what to give someone for the holidays? Do you end up gifting candy, cookies, or some other unhealthy treats?
Winter Proof Your Waistline! November 29, 2018Lindsay Kent As the days become shorter and colder, and the impending snow and ice begin to freeze your motivation for staying fit and active, melt away those chilly thoughts...
10 Prevention Tips To Prevent Holiday Weight Gain November 23, 2018Michelle Johnson The holidays are an easy time and excuse to get distracted from your dietary goals. It's important that you come up with sound strategies...
Thankful, Grateful & Blessed November 02, 2018Amanda Madrigal Happy November everyone! November is typically a month that is typically about Family, Friends, Food, and celebrating our many blessings...
Could this be the magic ingredient for overall health? September 24, 2018Lindsay Kent Fat has a pretty bad reputation, which is understandable considering the fact that both trans and saturated fats lead to obesity...But fat is fighting back, taking over the healthy headlines...
Your Secret Weapons: Five Hormones That Set Your Metabolism Up For Success Or Failure September 14, 2018Michelle Johnson It is not always true that “what you put into it is what you get out of it!”. You may diet and exercise until you are blue and are wondering...